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Customer Service- Building Brand Ambassadors

Customer Service- Building Brand Ambassadors

Customer care today can not be left to chance. Build real brand ambassadors with our highly engaging workshop. Starting a brand ambassador marketing program is an overwhelming task. When we build communities around products, we dream of creating something larger than a product or even larger than a brand name. We want to create deeper meaning in peoples’ lives. There are many ways to start building meaning around your product, but there is really no more effective way than empowering individual brand ambassadors to run with your vision and to better their own lives as a result.....More to come

  • Workshop Description

    We are very excited to announce our new two-day workshop that will be available as of June 2019. You can book your limited place now

  • Number of Days

    2 days

  • Objectives

    Highlights of what Advantedges’ participants will learn:

    • Conduct a SWOT analysis of you
    • What is your message?. Values
    • How to recruit ideal candidates. Investigation template

    • Ways to keep ambassadors engaged

    • Formulate guidelines and messages for ambassadors and communicate

      with them often

    • Ensure they have multiple avenues for communication and frequently 

    • Reward and recognize them for their efforts

    • Provide opportunities for them to “shine”

    • More details to come
  • Designed For

    This workshop is designed for experienced professionals who seek to maximize their potential and add more value to their organization.

  • Investment


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